Friday 6 January 2012

Happy 2012!!


I've gone off the blogging radar for a little while but im back!! I've got new years resolutions, new goals, new ideas and a whole lot of inspiration for what I want out of 2012 and im excited!

A few weeks ago I booked my flight.. the one way ticket out of London which signifies the end of an era and that piece of paper (well email) is basically a constant reminder that I have limited time left in this amazing part of the world. I leave on the 5th of April leaving me with 13 weeks to find a job, save some money and cross everything off my to do list. I really need more than 13 weeks for this!

A job is first thing on my list. Sadly the best job I have ever had came to an end before christmas and I really need to find some work before I become beyond bankrupt.
Saving money is the next thing.. I have plans to go to Ireland in March and if I dont have any money I'll be begging on the streets of Dublin.
My to do list is getting bigger by the day, it grows every time I think of something I wanted to do or see but always put it on the back burner because its one of those things that I can do anytime... It's practically the 11th hour right now and I'll be in a mad rush to fit everything in before I leave.

2012 is going to be an amazing year. It has started off with a bang and I hope it continues to do so!