Thursday 17 November 2011

Im feeling festive

Yes I do realise its still atleast 5 weeks until christmas but the christmas spirit is in the air and I'm getting excited!!
What better way to start feeling festive that with a stroll around London. The lights and decorations filling the streets are amazing. I'm loving Regent Street with its huge display of twinkling lights and ohhh Harrods.. the already amazing building is covered with lights showing its beauty to the londoners!

I cant wait till christmas and I'm already planning on visiting the Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park this weekend.. now its just to decide where to go ice skating.. Tower of London, Somerset House, Hyde Park or Natural History Museum... oh the choices!!

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Tagines, sand dunes and camel rides - Moroccan adventures

Well I did it.. I ventured to Africa for a taste of the Moroccan life and whilst it had it's up and downs I can really say I loved it.

I should probably mention before I start that I was going there by myself.. Well I was meeting my 2 lovely friends but I had to fly there by myself... Something I really shouldn't do. After my last horrendous flight coming back from KL by myself and the fear that instilled in me, I was quite nervous if I'm honest to be going on another flight unaided.
The flight was fine but after arriving to Marrakech airport and waiting for my transfer I realize they have forgotten me. So I'm stuck in the airport.. alone, nervous, angry and being hit on by various Moroccan men. Awesome.
After an hour and a half, 2 phone calls and £10 of credit later I finally make it to the hotel. Yippee!!

After the stressful beginning it got better as we headed out to the sahara desert. If I could have stayed anywhere in morocco, hands down I would choose to camp out in the sahara. It was amazing. The red dunes that go for miles, the luxury camping complete with western toilets, proper beds and turbans. One night was spent on top of a massive sand dune watching the sunset. This single moment is one of the most amazing experiences of my life. How many people can say they watched a sunset from the middle of the Sahara sitting on a sand dune...??

Whilst I loved being out in the desert , the camel ride was not so great. It started good and it was pretty exciting but the novelty was quickly lost after we realised how painful this was on our bums. I felt for the poor boys that had to sit on them.. I hope they werent planning to have children anytime soon!!

After 3 nights in the desert, I was silently applauding myself that I hadnt been sick.. the morrocan bug had quickly spread around camp... until the day we were leaving which incidently was the day we had to drive about 10 hours to our next stop.. 2 vomits on the bus later and I was completely and utterly under the spell of the morrocan bug... so not fun!! And I take full responsibilty of spreading the vomiting part of it around our group like wild fire. They dropped like flies after that!! 

So I should probably mention about the tagines (just typing the word has sent my stomach into uneasiness). The tagines were great... for the first couple. Slowly after that the taste of one tagine to the next was turning into one big gigantic cumin spice of a meal. And dont get me started on the stale bread!! I think everyone barr Alisha would be absolutely fine if we never had to eat one again.

I shouldnt complain because I had the best time on my week in Morocco. I met some really amazing people, had some great times and ticked another country off my to do list!