Monday 20 February 2012


After coming across the Wanderlust Magazine in the shops the other day, it gave me a new found love for the word and I decided this word sums me up. Whole and Complete.

Sunday 19 February 2012

Bonnie Scotland

I never got around to posting about my the best new years I have had in.. well ever..
We headed to Bonnie Scotland for 5 days to spend new years in the highlands.

Our first day was spent in Edinburgh and we headed out for a walking tour. It rained, and rained and was freezing but we pushed through it to see the amazing city and learn its history. I loved Edinburgh, it was such a cute city and reminded me of a bigger version of Bath. I wish I had more time there to see the place in all its beauty.

The next day we headed off for our 4 day Highland tour with Wild in Scotland. Our tour guide Danny was crazy, funny and a true Scotsman! We headed for the highlands stopping in Stirling to see the William Wallace statue and memorial, passing amazing glens (Glen Garry, Glen Nevis and Glencoe) and lochs and finally reaching Stromeferry, where we were staying for the next 3 nights.

New years eve day was spent on Isle of Skye. An amazing island, with incredible scenery and history.  Oh and hairy coos which are the coolest animal and probably deserve a blog post all to themselves.
We had a few different nationalities on the tour so we celebrated midnight of each country during the day, starting with New Zealand and a haka performance. I do have a video of this but it wouldnt load :(
New years eve night was the best new years I have had ever. Stromeferry is a tiny town with literally a population of 17 so everyone in the town got together for a night of kilts, bonfires, fireworks and lots of buckfast! It was an amazing night.

Thankfully we had a day off on new years day to sleep in and relax. Later during the day a Sherlock Holmes like shooter took us out along the loch to show us how to shoot a shotgun at clay pidgeons. This was probably the scariest thing I have ever done but atleast I can say I shot a gun! (I missed the clay pidgeon in case you were wondering, however mitch got 2 out of 3!)

Our last day was a crazy one, racing to get back to Edinburgh. We stopped by Loch Ness, but sadly Nessie didnt show her face that day. Personally I think she was camera shy.

Because of the snow which was falling heavily and the fact we had to get back to edinburgh by 7pm we didnt get to see most of the battlefields and amazing scenery along the way down which I would have loved to see but oh well! we did get to see it through the snow covered windows.
I would have liked a few more days in Scotland, so I think I should definitely go back there sometime.. but probably in the summer so I dont get frostbite!
I met some amazing people and had the best time in scotland. I think its going to be pretty hard to top the New Years I had!


Yes I have been ridiculously slack on the blogging post of late and really need to find my love for it again.

Its been a crazy few months, change of job.. twice, a freak out that I wont get a job and have to go home, close to bankruptcy (not literally but I was skating on thin ice in the money department), crazy busy weekends and now starting to pack up!

I have 6 and a half weeks left in London and I cant believe that its come up so quickly. Im so excited to see my friends and family but Im really not ready to leave London. the fact i have a deadline now is starting to freak me out. I havent done everything I wanted to do, I finally found a job that I love and dont want to leave, I dont want to leave my new found friends and most of all I dont want to live 22 flying hours away from Europe!!

It's a good thing we are heading to Berlin next weekend for a few days.. i'll keep you posted on what its like!