Sunday 19 February 2012


Yes I have been ridiculously slack on the blogging post of late and really need to find my love for it again.

Its been a crazy few months, change of job.. twice, a freak out that I wont get a job and have to go home, close to bankruptcy (not literally but I was skating on thin ice in the money department), crazy busy weekends and now starting to pack up!

I have 6 and a half weeks left in London and I cant believe that its come up so quickly. Im so excited to see my friends and family but Im really not ready to leave London. the fact i have a deadline now is starting to freak me out. I havent done everything I wanted to do, I finally found a job that I love and dont want to leave, I dont want to leave my new found friends and most of all I dont want to live 22 flying hours away from Europe!!

It's a good thing we are heading to Berlin next weekend for a few days.. i'll keep you posted on what its like!

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