Monday 1 August 2011

Hola from Madrid

So I'm a bit delayed on this post but no worries.
After spending a few days in alicante, a small town on Spain's eastern coast just an hour south of Valencia (we didn't do anything exciting except for sit on a beach really, not exactly riviting and didn't require it's own post on the blog) we headed for Madrid. After 5 painstaking hours on the bus we finally arrived to 30 degree dry heat.

I'm just going to put it out there... I wasn't a fan of Madrid (it's my blog so I get to say it, sorry to all those Madrid lovers). If your an art lover you would be in heaven as the city is crammed full of art galleries and you spend a few full days wandering between each gallery if your that way inclined.. I'm not.

Even with our hesitations we decided to go on a walking tour. I mean Valencia proved me wrong so there was a possibility that Madrid could as well.
Anyway we started our walking tour in sol, the very centre of Madrid and the epitome of city. Bustling with people, buskers and protesters the square is manic. Walking around Madrid was actually pretty cool. The history is amazing and we learnt alot. Our guide Hannah, a Londoner, gave us so much information but in a way that was interesting. It wasn't fact and date after fact and date. She put effort into it and we really learnt things. For 3 hours we roamed the streets seeing every part of the main central city. I highly recommend these walking tours as you see so much and learn so much that you would never see or know if you did this yourself.

It was after this tour that one of my worst travel nightmares happened... I was pickpocketed. I wrote a post about it before this one so if you haven't read it I suggest you do... Once discovering I was pickpocketed and my purse was gone we then spent an entire afternoon canceling cards and sitting in the police station. Not my idea of fun I can tell you!

I don't want to blame Madrid for this, but it's also one of the reasons I'm not exactly a fan of the place.

Our next few days we managed to see alot more of the city, roaming ourselves around, eating tapas and generally trying to make the most of being in the capital of Spain.

So although I may not have been a fan of Madrid, Spain was amazing. I loved the culture, the history, the people and the sangria! I won't be returning to Spain again before I go back to Australia but hopefully one day I will be back!

Adios espania!

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