Wednesday 27 July 2011

I've been pickpocketed

After visiting notorious pick pocket places such as Bangkok, Phuket, kuala lumpur, hong kong, Paris, Rome, Barcelona and have always been in possession of my belongings, it's finally happened.... I've been Pickpocketed!
Madrid... Should have known I couldn't get through 4 stops in the country that is rated the 5th most likely be robbed in the world!

During what would have been a 15 minute (at the most) time span my wallet was taken. The their took my favorite little purse (Anna Sui, not real but I still loved it) along with it they now have 3 bank cards, my drivers license and 60 euro.. Plus some extra things.. A subway club card if u want to know and some other rubbish.
I spent the afternoon of which we had planned to relax before our pub crawl tonight calling mastercard and visa to cancel my cards, and several hours at the police station making a statement! I hope the theif is happy with themselves!!

So it has totally ruined my day and I'm not happy Madrid! Fingers crossed no money was taken in the time before I was able to cancel the cards.

Top travel tip... Keep your bags very very close to you, in front if possible... Those damn pickpocketers are good!

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