Tuesday 4 October 2011

Job hunting in London

I've been pretty lucky since arriving in London a crazy 16 months ago and have never had much trouble getting a job.
After arriving back in London after our huge 2 and a half month summer travels I was exceptionally nervous about finding myself a job. I was scraping on destitute after blowing my life savings on the epic travel plans so needed a job a-sap.
LUCKILY a few recruitment agents found my resume I had put online and one great agent was good enough to get me a job... sadly only for 3 weeks but it was the best 3 weeks and it was seriously the first job Id had over here that I had actually liked. After a few days off and a few days of worrying myself stupid about what I could do besides selling myself on the street to get some pennies, I again was lucky enough to get another temp job. This time in the middle of mayfair, a magazine publishing house in the middle of all the richies (DVF, juicy couture, mui mui to name a few). So its another few weeks of temping until I can find myself something a little more permanent.
So even though the world is in this financial crisis and so many people are losing their jobs I have still been pretty lucky and already getting myself a pretty great reputation in London as a good worker! WOO! Feeling good until this job ends and I have to look for something else... then its back to the worrying and the thoughts of having to come back to Australia earlier than expected to live with the parentals free of charge and save some money. Boo.. not wanting that yet!

P.S Any Londoners willing to give me a job that pays well I am available!

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