Tuesday 12 April 2011


I am so excited for our impending departure to turkey on Saturday.
Mitch and I have booked a 15 day tour starting and ending in Istanbul with a special stop to be in Gallipoli for anzac day.

I’ve been looking at the weather forecasts and its looks like we will get good sunny weather but will be between a cool 12-20 degrees. Bummer. I was hoping for extreme hot weather.

This leaves the impending question of.. What Do I Pack?

Packing is probably my least favourite thing about a holiday, actually I lie, UNpacking is my least favourite thing. But packing before a holiday stresses me out because I never know what to pack, how much to take, what I should leave behind. After all my trips so far I pretty much have packing down to a T now. I work out outfits, which shoes can go with which outfits and I keep it to a minimum and avoid over packing. It seems to work well, but then I always end up regretting not packing a certain top, dress or shoes.

For the past 10 months we have been using backpacks as our luggage, which is easy but I also struggle with carrying them and usually want to dump the bag and burn it all, so taking the least amount of clothes possible to lighten the load is what I have been trying to perfect.
This trip, I don’t know how it’s going to be possible. My warmest jacket is my thickest and most space taking, I’ll need an abundance of warm clothes for sleeping out under the stars before the dawn service on anzac day, but then I’ll also need some clothes suitable for 20 degree weather, and also some more clothes for those wishful days its going to be quite warm. Then there is the night time clothes I need to work out!
How it’s possible for a girl to fit this in one backpack and stick to 20kg is beyond me!
(I forgot to mention within this backpack and 20kg I need to fit a towel and a sleeping bag)

Hopefully I’ll be able to do a sneaky and pack a few extra things into mitchs bag when he’s not looking…fingers crossed he wont mind.

1 comment:

  1. I love the way you write Lyndal, I can hear your voice saying the words!
