Saturday 2 April 2011

Borough Market

Today we ventured to Borough market. One of London's biggest food markets situation right at London Bridge. They sell everything from fruits and vegetables to homemade cakes and skinned rabbits. (Skinned rabbits.. gross I know)

It's pretty cool to look around at all the stalls of the Jubilee and Green market section, selling the variety of gourmet international foods. Homemade cakes and slices that get the tastebuds watering instantly, a mix of cheeses that actually has a nasty scent that is now imbeded in my nostrils, fresh made curries in massive woks. I loved to look at it all... although trying to actually look at anything is struggle. I dont do well in crowds and just end up getting angry so by the end of being there for about half an hour I was over it and needed to get out.

The food actually looks amazing and I would have loved to have tried alot of it, but lining up with the rest of the hundreds of people who are trying to get the food aswell is a mission. I started lining up to get a baguette for lunch and in the 10 minutes I waited in line I moved about a metre and still had another 5 metres to go. I ended up giving up and got a hot dog from a mr whippy type van haha.

All in all it was a pretty fun day. I'd definitely advise going there earlier in the day when its not so busy so you dont have to compete with other couple of hundred hungry tourists trying to get some of the delicious food.

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