Wednesday 22 June 2011

Ascot Races

Last weekend we went to the Royal Ascot Races. I don’t know if it was the weather, the abundance of mud, the lack of seating or just the British attempt at a race day but it didn’t live up to expectations.
Don’t get me wrong I still had a great day. It was fun to dress up, see some friends, drink pimms and cheer on the horses but there was still that niggling feeling that Magic Millions is a lot better.

The day started early with a 6.30am wake up call. We got ready (complete with my own handmade fascinator which I am extremely proud of by the way) and headed to Temple station. The bus pulled out slightly behind schedule and we headed for Ascot, an hour and a half drive away. It was raining on and off which didn’t do wonders for my hair.. or my outfit which I believe looked better without a cardi and/or wrap. We were provided Pimms, wine and a buffet lunch which filled the spot.
By the time the races opened it was pouring and we had to make a 5 minute walk to the venue, not fun, but we got in without hassle and it was there we got to enjoy being in the famous race course.

Pushing our way to the fence after trampling through a field of mud, we secured ourselves an ok position to view the races. It was at this time my highlight of the day happened… I saw the queen! She made her grand entrance with cutie Phillip in carriage and waved to the crowd. I like to think she waved directly at me… for purposes of a really great blog post lets suppose she did. It was pretty cool to see ol’ Lizzie and definitely lifted spirits.

The rest of the day was spent cheering on the horses, walking through mud and having a great time. The bus ride back was painful though as we were so tired and I just looked forward to getting out of my ruined muddy heels. We did drive past Windsor Castle though which was pretty darn cool.

So all in all, I still had a great day. Something to tick of my list of things I want to do.
But really, the Poms don’t do a race day like the Aussies do!

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