Tuesday 7 June 2011

A year in pictures

Next week it will be a year since we left home.. crazy i know! Its been the best year of my life and I have loved every second of the amazing travelling I have done.

Here is the past year of my life in pictures..

We left on june 14 and headed to phuket, soaking up the sun, the cheap food and drinks and our enjoying the start of our big adventure

We spent almost two weeks in my favourite country of the world.. Croatia. Dubrovnik and Split are absolutely beautiful and I would head back in a second!

After 2 months off I started working, it didnt last long and we headed to Lagos in Portugal for a long weekend. We spent the whole time relaxing on the beach, eating cheap food and generally doing not much at all.. amazing!

A group of us headed to Oktoberfest which was super great fun. The first day was a write off for most of the boys... Mitch drank 5 steins in 3 hours, asked us to take him out of the beer hall and passed out in the park.. he also spent the next day spewing his little heart out. All in all it was still a fun 4 days.

We spent Halloween in the best place possible... New York! we saw the halloween parade and got a little dressed up.

We were still in New York in November.. Hands down New York is my favourite city in the whole world. The place is amazing and I couldnt get enough of it. I almost wondered if we have moved to the wrong city!

The temperatures dropped severely and it start snowing. It was so amazing to wake up and see a blanket of soft white snow over everything. I made my first snowman!!

New Years
We saw in the new year under the london eye watching the amazing fireworks. they went for atleast half an hour and by the end you could barely see them due to the smoke all around. It was the perfect way to end 2010 and start 2011 in a new city!

I became a skiing professional in Les Deux Alps in France. It was the most fun week ever. I started out as a gumbi in the beginners class having never skiied before,  but by the end I was one of two who did a blue run out of the whole class and I survived!!

We were mean to head to Egypt, but due to the riots there our tour and flights were cancelled. we were absolutely devastated! luckily we were able to book a last minute trip to canary islands. Mitch spent the week diving so I spent the week sleeping in, going to the beach, reading and shopping. pretty much the perfect holiday!

I didnt go anywhere in March which is pretty disappointing, but I did turn 23 which was pretty exciting!

We spent an amazing 2 weeks touring around Turkey, with a special stop in Gallipoli for ANZAC Day. That was the best experience of my life and i cherish every memory of it. Lest We Forget.

My second month in the year I have been gone where we didnt go anywhere. I spent the days counting the weeks till the next holiday!

And here we are... one year on and still loving living in London!

1 comment:

  1. Really enjoy reading the blog. What a great opportunity you have to travel Europe and experience different things now that you left home.

    As for your journeys, I love Portugal. I think it doesn't get enough credit for its coastline as it is overshadowed by Spain. However, Lagos is big and touristy as well and I loved getting away from there to enjoy some quiet beaches!

    Great year in review!
