Wednesday 15 June 2011

Something to aspire too..

I have been trawling the web for some cool travel websites, to see what other travel bloggers write about, where they have been and generally getting some tips, ideas and plans for all future trips I want to do.. (the list grows every time I find a new website)

My favourite site so far is about Nomadic Matt. An American travelling the world and making all of us extremely jealous of the amazing trips he does.
I love his website, because alot of it is so relevant to me, cheap places to stay, cheap eats, things to do on a budget. exactly what im looking for in a nutshell.. well a webshell shall we call it?

Despite the amount of travel I have done I am pretty jealous of this amazing travel lifestyle matt has. One day I'll start my own website similar.. Something to aspire to!

Check out Matts website I guarantee you will be planning a trip to somewhere exotic after reading it!!

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