Monday 27 June 2011

Being a Tourist

Its not often that I go right into London and be a tourist, but when I do I always love it.

Last weekend was Claire's last weekend in London before we head off travelling and then she heads home, so we decided to do some touristy things and take advantage of the 28 degree days.

Saturday night started with dinner at Ping Pong in Southbank. After we stuffed ourselves full of dim sums and delicious squid we headed off for a walk.. Starting at the London Eye we crossed the Golden Jubilee Bridge and headed for Trafalgar Square. Possibly my favourite part of London, Trafalgar square was packed full of people standing around, taking photos and generally enjoying the extended hours of daylight and fact we could be outside (at night) without a jacket. We kept on walking through Picadilly circus and onto Leicester Square. We excitedly went to m&m world which has just opened.. and I must say its sooooo much better than the New York store. 4 levels of merchandise, chocolate and goodness. mmm yum!!
The night finished off with a viewing of Bridesmaids in Leicester Square.. (which reminds me I must go and see a movie premier there sometime)

The highlight of my weekend was the sunday afternoon lounging around Hyde Park. We had talked about having a picnic in hyde park for a very long time. It was always either too cold, the weather suddenly turned or we woke up too late to get ourselves organised for it. But we finally made the plans and we spent the afternoon of the hottest day of the year sitting under a tree, having a delicious picnic on Mark's and Spencers food and watching the other thousands of people who had the same idea as us to head to the park.
There seemed to be a revival of rollerblading/skating and hundreds of crazy skilled skaters would fly by showcasing their skills.

The weekend finished off with some apple cider and then Pimms and lemonade by the Thames. Pretty freaking awesome weekend...

Now to get through the next few days at work when I finish on Thursday and I'll be a tourist heading around France, Italy, Spain, Greek Islands and Thailand for 2 months.... tough life eh..

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