Tuesday 14 June 2011

Happy Anniversary!!

It has been one year since we left the comfortable, warm, beachy surroundings of the gold coast and headed to the big smoke I now call home.. London.

The year has gone so fast, but when I think about when I last saw my friends and family it does seem like such a long time ago.
The year has been filled with plentiful trips around europe and to america, that have constantly filled the gap in my life. It has not however eased the travel bug that is constantly coming out.

Every week I have found a new place I want to go and its added to the list. there is not enough time or money to visit them all, which saddens me beyond belief.
The only thing I can think of to do is getting myself a super cool job in the travel industry, becoming a professional travel blogger and/or researcher and getting paid to see the world. Its my only answer to fill the whole my heart!!
So anybody... everybody.. please send my details to every travel company you know to get me my dream job!!!

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