Saturday 9 July 2011

Bonjour from Paris

Im writing from one of my favourite cities in the world... Paris!

Having been here before in 2009 I had done all the main sites, going in to the louve and seeing mona lisa, going up the eiffel tower, watched a caberet show.. so it left me with nothing else but to enjoy Paris in all its charm!

We are staying right near Notre Dame, right near St Michel's fountain. The best location we could ask for. So close to everything and full of character.
Being right on the Seine we walked up and down the river endlessly looking at the market stalls selling old photos, paris souveniers, and old classic books. I just love it!

I remember my first impression of the Eiffel Tower a couple of years ago, it was one of mixed reactions. I was first in awe at its size and that I was actually standing under, and then on top of one of the worlds most notable attractions... my other reaction was of disappointment that its brown... I wasnt expecting that at all. This time when I visited I didnt have any expectations of course and took in the tower for all its beauty and enjoyed being in the city of love. Our first night in Paris we sat under the tower eating nutella and banana crepes and watched the tower twinkle in the dusk light when the light show started. It was a perfect evening and a great start to the Parisian leg of my 2 month adventure.

Our first full day in Paris we headed to the Marais area and found a famous bakery selling delicious pastries. We couldnt help ourselves and Claire and I got a chocolate Eclair and a lemon meringue pie to share. (They were amazing if anyone is wondering)
We sat down in a park area for a while enjoying the slight bit of sunshine that came with the day and by lunch time we were starving and headed to the famous felafel place. I had never had felafel before so was slightly hesitant in getting it but I loved it. After demolishing the felafel and headed for the louve. We sat outside in the park doing a favourite past time of mine.. people watching and the whole time thinking I cant believe I'm in paris again!!
Later that night we headed to Mont Martre and walked around a bit. The guys trying to con you into making you a bracelet for 200 euros were in full force and one even yelled out to be 'sexy boomba i like your breasts'. I mean really. thats disgusting. I would just like to mention I did not have any sort of revealing top on so it goes to show they are creeps! After seeing the church and then walking along to take some happy snaps of Moulin Rouge we found a cute restaurant and had a great dinner. Blew the daily budget yet again but what the hell...

Our last full day in Paris was pretty great aswell. We started at Champs Elysee and walked the street up to Arc De Triomph. Again taking a few happy snaps. We headed back the Eiffel Tower and we had a picnic in the park under the tower. It was pretty great until a gypsy girl came along and tried to steal our food... literally. I snatched it back off her and we yelled at her to go away... These gypos are the pits!!
The afternoon ended with another walk along the Seine and I bought a few pictures for the one day when I have myself a house and need to decorate. The day finished with another nutella and banana crepe which finished off the trip to Paris with perfection.

I love this city, I really do. Its charm, its beauty and its history is amazing.

Je t'aime Paris... Until next time...

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