Saturday 9 July 2011

It's been a while...

Bonjour from Paris!

Its been a while since my last post.. forgive me.. im having the time of my life!

I finished my job on June 30, am now unemployeed, no job forseeable in the near future and have set off for the start of my 2 month adventure.

First stop.. Disneyland.
Claire and I have always asked our parents to take us to disneyland.. they never did.. so we had to take ourselves.

The day started early at 5am and I made my wasy sleepily to Kings Cross St Pancras station to meet claire and catch the eurostar to France. It started well.. we go the right platform and got the train and headed for Lille. A quick change over there and we were on our way to Disneyland. Behind us was an old lady who not only breathed so heavy you could hear her from the next carriage but the breathing was so rapid, shallow and lacked any sort of normal breathing qualities we thought she just may cark it.
We finally got to our station and caught the free shuttle to our hotel. We stayed in the Santa Fe Disneyland Hotel which was pretty cool.. old but cool.
Our first afternoon at disneyland started out great.. amazed by the whole park, we lined up for our first ride at thunder mountain. The map said it was 'big thrills' i would say medium thrills but we still had fun. The rest of the afternoon was spent on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, and Space mountain. I would say the park is mostly attractions and there are heaps of little kid rides. Hong Kong Disneyland was the same.. I suspect they all must be like this.

Our second day started off at disneyland again with rides on the Peter Pan ride and a walk through Alice's Labrynth. We decided to skip the rest of the rides and head for the Disneyland studios next door. Definitely the right decision and we spent the afternoon on the 'scary' rides. I am now obsessed with the Twilight Zone's Tower of Terror which is like the Giant Drop at Dreamworld only better... We ended up going on the ride 4 times!

I have to commend Disneyland and the Studios on their awesome shows though. We saw a Tarzan one and a action stunt show and were so worth the whole trip to disneyland. they were amazing!
The Disney Parade was also awesome and the highlight for me was seeing the Queen of the Red Hearts take a tumble.. actually not a tumble.. a full on smack to the ground I thought she wasnt getting up. The float was momentarily stopped while the mad hatter helped her up. Classic!

All in all, my trip to Disneyland was pretty great. I had the goal to visit every disneyland in the world.. 2 down (Hong Kong and Paris) so only 2 to go (Tokyo and LA). Will most likely be going to the LA one next September so Ill be making plans to go to Japan in the next few years.

Au Revior!

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