Thursday 21 July 2011

Hola from Barcelona


After spending a day in London washing, buying some new books and repacking, mitch and I headed to Barcelona. I didnt have many expectations of bar elona due to most people saying 'meh it's ok there', 'oh you just need two days there' so the expectations plummeted and I didn't hold much hope for the city.
We arrived late afternoon on Saturday, it was so hot which was a stark contrast the weather we had just left in London. After finding our hotel we headed out for our first real look at the city. We stayed just off las ramblas, the centre of Barcelona that holds the epitome of what the city is all about. The tree lined street is crammed with hundreds of tourists, souvenier shops and Spanish gypsys. At night the street lights glow, artists come out sharing their talent and many a street performers impress us all in hopes of making a few euros for the night. It's a great street to people watch and generally bask inthe ambiance that is Barcelona.

Our first full day we headed off to do a bike tour of the city. Most definitely worth every cent of the 18 euros we paid for it. Our guide was an Aussie called Mitch and we were lucky
enough to be the only 2 clients of that time of the day so the bike tour was personal and so much fun. We biked around 15km of the city to see everything barcelona has the offer including the most famous building sagrada familia, the surrealistic church which the famous architect gaudi started building in 1882 and is still an incomplete masterpiece!

Gaudi's work features prominently around Barcelona and his works are some of the strangest I have ever seen. It was known that he was constantly tripping on some sort of acid and so his work of art shall we call them are strange and do not ever feature a right angle! It's pretty cool to see such surrealism art in a city that prides itself on it's amazing architecture!

The highlight of Barcelona for me was the magic fountain! Our second last night we headed off to montjuic (hill of the Jews) to see the amazing light show in which the fountain moves in time to music. We were there fr the Disney melody which I felt was quite appropriate since I had not long been to Disneyland. It was pretty cool to watch this show and finished off an awesome day!

Our last day in the Spanish city was spent walking around guelle park, a 15 hectare park featuring more of gaudi's work, and an afternoon at the beach!
So after much hesitation to visit spain's second largest city I had the best time and would definitely recommend anyone to go there!

Next stop velencia!

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