Tuesday 31 May 2011

London Living

I love living in London, there is so much to do in this exciting city. I had to load all my photos onto my new computer yesterday and I looked through some of my photos that I have of my new home.
It got me thinking about the amazing things I love to do... and so I will share...

Although it was a few years ago, I loved the bike tour we did of London. We did the tour with Fat tyre bike tours http://fattirebiketours.com/london. It was the greatest thing. We rode all around london - Houses of Parliment, Buckingham palace, westminster abbey, royal parks, big ben, trafalgar square.. the list goes on. The best way to see the city!!

I love heading down to Southbank and seeing the London eye, the thames, big ben. We saw in the new year standing under the London eye watching the fireworks.. pretty freaking awesome.

I posted on it before, but I like going to Borough Markets. They sell some great food and its a good day out!

I absolutely cannot stand watching soccer (sorry football) on tv, but being at a game is so fun. The atmosphere is awesome and we always have a great time. I have been to 2 games, the first we saw Fulham v Werderemen (a german team with some serious hot players) and the other we saw fulham v everton.
We decided to make fulham our team because they are one of the closest teams to us, they also have Mark Schwarzer who is Australian..we love him.

London always has so many shows to see. Bands, comedians, musicals.. we have seen a bit.
I've now seen 2 musicals - We will rock you (possibly the greatest show on earth) and The Lion King. I've taken my tally of comedians to 3 with Ross Noble, Carl Barron and Stephen K Amos. Sadly I have only seen one band - I saw Muse at Wembley which was amazing. Wembley stadium is so big, it fits 90 thousand people.. a tad bigger than skilled stadium haha. The atmosphere was crazy!

These were just some of my favourite things to do... and the ones I have photos of..
There is always an abundance of things to do and I dont think I will have time to see and do it all!

Friday 27 May 2011

You said what now?

It seems people have a great misconception on Australians and Australia in general;

Here are some funny things people have said to me so far;

(whilst talking about languages people learn at school)
'Did you learn aboriginie in school?'
Really? which one of the 5000 aboriginie languages would you have liked me to learn?

(whilst talking about the floods in QLD)
'Is your family worried about the crocodiles coming into their backyards'
Good job english newspapers for printing that one!

'Do kangaroos really hop around the streets?'
Yes, we also ride them to work...

'Your roads must melt alot in that extreme heat you have'
No, just because yours do because you have dodgy tar doesnt mean ours do.

'Is it not polite if you dont say g'day to someone?'
I dont think i've ever said g'day in a serious way.

'We want to drive from Perth to Sydney, we could do that in a day right?'
Have you looked at a map of Australia?

Thursday 26 May 2011


Today it rained... i know what you're thinking.. you're in london, of course its raining.. WRONG. Honestly it doesnt even rain that much. Its just overcast and grey alot of the time. But I could probably count on my fingers and toes the amount of times its actually rained in the past year.

Not long after I arrived in London and started working it rained one afternoon. One of my colleagues was astounded at how 'heavy' the rain was. It was pretty much a heavy sprinkle. They just dont get heavy rain here, nor does it last long. It usually rains for about 10 minutes and then its over.
I also love how when it starts to sprinkle the poms go into a panic, reach into their bags and open up their umbrellas. You can barely even feel the rain and you're hardly getting wet but they think its high time for umbrella coverage!

Another crazy thing that happened today was it hailed and it also thundered. I havent heard thunder since I left Australia almost a year ago. I didnt think it got hot enough here for there to be thunder and lightening but apparently so. My colleagues thought it was hilarious that I was excited about the thunder, but it made it feel like home... ahh the nostalgia!

Tuesday 24 May 2011

More to the bucket list

Today, whilst struggling through a boring day at work I was thinking of all the places I would love to go to. I've added some more places to my bucket list..


Petra, Jordan



Halong Bay, Vietnam

Angkor Wat, Cambodia


Las Vegas

Better start saving!!!

Friday 20 May 2011

London in the springtime

I'm loving London in the springtime. The leaves have come out after being banished for the long winter, the flowers are blossoming and the sun is out. The mercury is on the rise and warming the place up enough for me not to be wearing my big jacket and layers.

Picture this... its friday 1pm and I head out for my lunch break. Its 20 degrees and so decide the best thing to do to enjoy this beautiful weather on an otherwise mundane work day is to eat my lunch outside in the park. It's no sitting on coolangatta beach but it will do! I sit down in the nicest section of the park and start to enjoy my cous cous and salad which I had been thinking about all day. The lady next to me who I thought was just lying down to relax a bit is actually asleep. She has just let out a tiny snore and had one of those leg shakes you get when your muscles start to relax. Must have been a hard day for her...
The beautiful day must be livening the moods of my fellow park goers and the impending weekend must have left them feeling festive because a group of people busted out in song. Some sort of rap/hip hop song which I had never heard (clearly not up with the latest uk songs), but singing none the less.
A few people look disgusted at the disturbance to their quiet (why come to a public park then??) but some are clapping along and singing the parts they know. I refrain from clapping along myself as I'm not that close to them and I would look like a bit of a douche. But good for them for having a great time on their lunch break and entertaining us all.

I do love London in the springtime!!

Tuesday 17 May 2011

The Amazing Race

Whilst trawling through the list of new apps to purchase for my iphone I came across ‘the amazing race’ app. You have no idea how excited I was.
Amazing race is possibly the greatest reality tv show.. its way better than keeping up with the kardashians, america’s next top model, Brittan’s next top model, canada’s next top model, jersey shore.. and all those other ‘reality’ shows I love to watch.
Back to the app… you can actually play the amazing race on your iphone. You choose a team (I chose students), pick a team name (I chose THORS) and you head off for a virtual around the world trip while coming across the usual road blocks, detour and fast forwards. I literally spent close to an hour playing my first game and came in second. Woo. Will definitely be playing some more games to make sure I come in first!

This game got me thinking about how ever since I first watched the show when I was a teenager I have been obsessed and it became my life’s goal to be a contestant on the show. Sadly I missed out on getting onto the first season of Australia’s Amazing Race. But I’ll be signing up for all future seasons.

Now for the hard part.. who would I take as my partner to share the most amazing experience of my life with???

The nominees for the moment are….

Claire -   Whilst she has expressed sincere enthusiasm for her dream to be on the show, she lacks direction (not direction in life, just direction in general.. she couldn’t tell you what way we just came from), cannot drive a manual car (I’m sure this skill would come in handy for the times you have to drive yourself) and has openly said she would not do the gross eating parts. However, she can talk to anyone and everyone which would be valuable as we would need all the help we can get.. shes also smart.

Mitch – He can drive a manual, knows directions (although as per my previous post taking us on back street and having to jump a fence would suggest otherwise), he also has a beard which makes him look older.. perhaps we could fool people into thinking he was an old man and they would feel sorry for us and let us go ahead. His downfall… he would probably forget to take along a belt and we would forever be seeing his crack. I think I would be letting the team down in this partnership, Mitch would forever be yelling at me to hurry up because apparently im so slow! That’s another downfall… he would probably get way to cranky at me. We also cannot be team THORS for obvious reasons.

Dad – He is smart and would be able to solve all mathematical equations in a second, his nickname is GAZMAN (need I say more?), he can also drive manual….. but he is too slow. There is a thing called an accelerator dad!! He wouldn’t use it too much, and in a race this just isn’t what you need. Instead of running to the pit stop so we could secure 1st place, he would be looking around, stopping to take a million photos of nothing in particular, we would come in last place and be eliminated.

Mum – Bless. As much as I love my mother I just don’t think she could run fast enough. She would be a pretty awesome teammate though. She would be able to handle the early mornings with no worries and would look great on tv because she will always have her lippy on and with those guns she is getting from doing weights and cardio at the gym everyday she is working her way towards being helpful in the activities needing strength. Perhaps you could be considered after all mum!!

If anyone else feels like they would make the perfect partner for my amazing race team let me know your strengths and weaknesses and you will be considered.

Sunday 15 May 2011

<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/2575768/la-bella-vita?claim=ub2zbt9424t">Follow my blog with bloglovin</a>

Hows it garn?

Last night we went and saw Carl Barron live. He is the funniest person I ever seen. I literally spent the entire time crying it was that funny.

I should probably start with setting the scene of how the night began... Mitch, Claire and I ventured off to hammersmith... catching the 190 bus (late as usual). We had a quick dinner before hand and walked around in search of Riverside studios where Carl was performing. Mitch 'knew' where he was going, well had a general idea.. but he happened to take us along a back street where we came out into what we thought was possibly a boarding school/naughty boys home/council estate. We wandered around trying to find the exit and were greeted by a group of kids asking if we were trying to get to riverside studios. not sure how they knew thats what we were looking for, perhaps they get a number of people wandering through there looking for riverside.
They directed us.. left, right and left again. We turned left, went to turn right but found it was gated off. Our options were to turn around and try again, or jump a 1.5m fence. the jumping of the 1.5m fence won.
After finally getting over the fence we walked a little further and found the studios... PHEW.

The studios were small and we packed it out with 300 people. We got row 3 and had a pretty awesome view of my new celeb crush.
Carl came out casually and there began my barrel of laughs that lasted an entire 80 minutes.
I wont go into it too much, granted you have probably seen alot of his performances... if you havent you have probably been living under a rock and should get onto youtube a-sap and check him out.
He is hilarious, basing his entire show on his life and the weird and insane things he thinks about.

I really want to go and see him again. I hope he comes back to London within a year otherwise I'll be staking him out once we get back to Australia... whenever that may be...

Friday 13 May 2011

Why I hate the 190 bus

Whilst I love living in London, the worst part is having to use public transport every single day. There is nothing I would love more than to get in a car and drive. Seeing as I do not own a car in London I am forced to use the public transport.
Fortunately I only have to catch one bus (the 190) from our house to get to work, which is quite literally a 3.5km drive.
In the mornings I am always ready and waiting atleast 5 minutes before the impending arrival and departure of said bus. It is never ever ever on time. I generally end up waiting atleast an extra 10 or 20 minutes past the time it is meant to come. Once I waited 30 minutes.

It also takes along the most random of people. Most days there is a great story to tell, someone is yelling at the bus driver, someone holds up the bus because they dont have enough money on their oyster card, some old man is farting and is blissfully unaware of the stench while we all choke and die.

I know what you're probably thinking now... I did mention it was literally a 3.5km drive.. why dont I walk.
Good thought. But unless you have battled the extreme temperatures of english winter you have no idea how ridiculously cold it gets. Therefore I did not feel brave enough to walk the 30 minutes in these temperatures.
You will be happy to know however that since spring has arrived in london town I have been walking most days atleast one of the ways to or from work which has been so very nice... except for the time I got proposed to from some rando selling door to door.

Today however, I had to catch the bus home. I left work a little bit early so I could get on the earlier bus (I probably forgot to mention that unlike every single other bus that comes every 5 minutes, mine is only scheduled for every 15 minutes). I was at the bus stop at 5.22pm ready to catch the bus for 5.25pm. The bus finally came at 5.30pm. only a 5 minute wait...WIN!

Thursday 12 May 2011

Having a slight crisis

I decided to be creative and change things up in the blog, add a link so you can follow the blog with email updates... and now the list of my followers has gone. looks like no one likes me and no one is following :(

anyone know how to get them back???


Tuesday 10 May 2011

The most amazing group of people

The Bus

Probably the worst part of a tour is the excessive amount of time spent on a bus. But when you want to see so much of Turkey in 15 days you have to expect alot of time of the bus.

By the end of the trip I was so sick of the bus, but we did have some pretty good times on there..

The best part was Muz our driver. He was awesome. He was about 60, white hair with an impressive white moe. Barely spoke english but everyday he was so happy, he gave me a high 5 every time I came on the bus. To all the girls he would take our backpacks from our back and put them under the bus.
One time he stopped on the side of the road so we could buy strawberries from the strawberry farmers, we didnt have much water to wash them so Muz came out and gave us his big bottle of water and washed the strawberries for us. awww. so nice.
Despite his lack of english he was a pretty cool guy. I think our whole tour misses him already!!

The scenery of Turkey was not at all what I expected. It was very green, vast lands and farms covered the area and sometimes I would just sit looking out to the land for a while just taking it all in.
The most surprising part was that were some snow covered mountains.. who knew there was snow in turkey???

I think when I was on the bus I couldnt wait to get off, but now thinking about it, it wasnt that bad... i'll wait till my next big bus trip and I will probably re-think that statement.


After a long trip back to Istanbul we said goodbye to our driver Muz the most awesome bus driver in turkey (more on him later) and checked into our hotel.
We decided on a group dinner and headed to another old underground water resiviour converted to a restaurant for a 3 course meal and drinks. The meal was amazing and again we were just happy it wasnt a buffet.
There were a few dancers and a man singing for some entertainment. They then decided to get woman from a number of different countries up for a bit of a dance off. Leigh represented Australia and did a pretty good job, but my favourite gal Tracey representing the Kiwis did a mad all body shimmy and won herself the biggest applause and took the crown!!
Despite wanting an early night we didnt get to bed till around 11pm. The body clock is definitely off.

The full day of looking around Istanbul began with a visit to the Blue Mosque. Everyone says its a must see in Istanbul, which I have to agree with, the outside is amazing. When we went inside we had to take our shoes off so the whole place smelt like feet which was a little offputting but once inside it was pretty cool.
Its not literally blue, its just called blue mosque because when the lights hit the blue tiles inside it gives off a blue hue. It was built in the early 1600's which is pretty impressive when you see the whole building.

We headed over to Hagia Sophia which was hands down my favourite part of Istanbul. The impressive building which was originally a church, later a mosque and now a museum was built around 600AD. It has a massive massive dome in the centre which isnt supported by anything. They say it was constructed by filling the place with dirt and earth while they built the dome, then they called in thousands of slaves to dig out the dirt once the building was finished. as incentive they put gold coins all through the dirt, when the slaves found a coin they got to keep it, it made them work faster and harder so they got it out pretty quickly.
The church is completely decorated in mosaics, depicting pictures of the virgin mary, jesus and other religious features. I really loved the place. It was incredible.

A trip to the grand bazaar was also a highlight. It is one of the oldest and largest covered markets in the world. there is over 4000 shops, all basically selling the same things, knick knacks, turkish souveniers, rugs, pashminas. Although not as agressive and persistant, there is a thailand market feel. Men calling to you to look at their shop, trying to bargain for everything and anything.
Mitch and I were walking along and a man called out and said 'oh youre beautiful', i kept walking, but mitch turned around and laughed. the man was a tad annoyed and said 'not you..HER'!! hahaha. it was pretty funny.

The afternoon ended with a cruise down the river along the coast of Istanbul, one side was europe, one side was asia. It was a pretty great way to end the official part of the tour and although we didnt look at the scenery much, it was great to have a whole boat to ourselves, having some drinks and talking to the great friends we had made.

Our very last night we decided to have a group dinner again which was the best meal I had in turkey. They also served some amazing cocktails!!
We found a great restaurant in the backpackers district then headed to a small pub in the same area. Weird thing was they stopped serving drinks, turned the music off and kicked us out at 12pm because it closed... it was a friday night!!! although i would say some of us welcomed this relatively early night as the whole 15 days of being on the go constantly had caught up to us and most people were pretty tired and exhausted.

Turkey was amazing. I absolutely loved every single part of it. The tour, the amazing people i met who i now think of as great friends, every single place we visited, the food... everything.
the tour made me completely change my mind and I am so keen to stay another year to do gallipoli and anzac day all over again next year... anyone else keen for a campout with me???


Heading back to Istanbul

After Gallipoli we spent a couple of days in Ayvalik to 're-coup' after a massive couple of days and limited sleep. It was very needed and wanted and I think everyone enjoyed it.

The first night in Ayvalik we sussed out the disco under the hotel, they actually called in a DJ and opened it up just for us. It was pretty fun dancing away practically delirious with no sleep.
from past wold nights from members of our group, Barish had requested for the hotel not to call him during the night if there was a problem. I had asked him if i sustained a broken arm from severe dance moves, could I call him if I needed to go to the hospital... he didnt take me seriously. I meanwhile thought this was a valid question. haha.

Our first day off started off late and mitch and I were woken at 11.30am by Barish asking if i had broken my arm. thankfully no.
our whole group set off for a walk into the town we got an amazing feed. Mitch and I shared calamari that was so fresh and I had a pizza which was easily demolished. I think we all just enjoyed not eating buffet food. ick.
The rest of the day was spent doing a gym work out with tracey and jess (which was so very needed and i definitely felt like I had worked off the copious amounts of bread, chips, icecream I had eaten so far... ha) and a lazy swim in the indoor pool. so nice.
That night we graced the underground disco with our presence yet again and had another super late night.

We headed to Canakkale and stopped by Troy on the way. We watched the movie while we were driving there (mmmm delicious brad pitt) but unfortunatly i fell asleep half way through and missed out on the trojan horse part.
It has to be said that Troy was a disappointment. Its one of those places you can tick of your list to say you have been there rather than being a destination you HAVE to go to. I'd be very very happy not to set foot in troy again.
We walked around the 'ancient city' which was practically just ruins of rocks that doesnt look like anything in particular. They probably just stumbled across some spare land, threw some large rocks around and said it was troy. Its a believable story!!

When we finally got to Canakkale we were so tired. A nap was definitely in order. That night we headed out to a local bar where there was live rock music in english and turkish. It turned out to be a pretty good night!

The last leg of the trip was the drive back to Istanbul, this is when we stopped by gallipoli again.

Saturday 7 May 2011


Anzac Day eve started early and we made our way to gallipoli.
We got over to gallipoli and arrived about 4pm. they werent opening the commemorative area till 6pm so we had to do a loop around the national park in the bus. we stopped just near Quinns Post and took some photos and then walked up to the Turkish Memorial where they were having a small service.
There were alot of little turkish scout kids who mobbed us. they wanted photos and asked our names and couldnt get enough of us.. we were like celebrities haha.

We finally got down to Anzac Cove and set up 'camp'. We were given the idea to get lilos to sleep on so our whole group sat there blowing up lilos for quite a while. as soon as the sun set it got really cold. I ended up wearing 8 layers of clothes and cocooned myself in my sleeping bag for the night.
During the night they had documentries, speeches and music going all night, which was probably good for the poor people in the grand stands who wouldnt have slept.
Id say I got about 3 hours of on and off sleep the whole night which was alot more than i thought i would get.

They woke us up at about 4.15am and told us to get ready for the dawn service. The service started at about 5.00am. It was the first dawn service i had ever been to and it was so amazing. you could feel the emotion in the air.
After the dawn service we trekked up a rocky dirt track to Lone Pine. we got there quite early and had to sit around for a while before the service started. It was an amazing service which was alot less relaxed than the dawn service. There were people singing, speeches, stories and more wreath laying. i loved it.
When the aussie service ended quite a few of us headed up to the new zealand service at Chanak Bair. We got there right before it started and so we had to sit on the hill outside the area, we got to see the service on screens but couldnt hear very much.

A few days later on our way back to Istanbul we got to go back to Gallipoli where we saw everything without the crowds. It was definitely worth it to go back so we could see everything.
Anzac Cove, Lone Pine, Turkish Memorial, Chanak Bair its all so nice.. We saw the youngest registered soldier that died - he was 15 years and 10 months. so sad.

The whole thing is so sad to me, because the ANZACS fighting the turks was so not necessary. It was all British fighting the germans, the turks sided with the germans and then obviously the anzacs were on the british side so we fought them for no reason really, it wasnt our business and nothing to do with us yet we lost so many lives. stupid. and so sad.

The whole anzac day was so amazing. I absolutely loved it, i really want to do it all again next year!

Ephesus & Kusadasi

We headed to Ephesus, which is the best preserved ancient city in turkey.
It was built around 300 BC- 500 AD and most of the city is still preserved and some parts are slightly reconstructed . The original marble is still there and its so beautiful to see it all.
It literally blows me away and I can never get my head around that people built this absolutely amazing cities so long ago and that alot of it is still there. insane!!
There was a massive theatre built into the hill which the most impressive part of the city. Apparently Elton John gave a concert there.

We spent 3 hours around Ephesus its that big, they started excavating the city in 1856 and they say they have only found 17% of the city!

We stayed at a hotel right on the beach of kusadadi where I had another turkish bath. It was better than the first!! I could get one every week. We finally had a great dinner although I'm getting sick of buffet food, watched an amazing sunset over the water and prepared for the next day heading to gallipoli. Im very excited for it.

Antalya, Fethiye and Pamukkale

The bus trip from Cappadocia to Antalya down on the coast was another long one. I'm already getting sick of the bus, best thing is because we only have 22 people on our tour and still have a big bus we all get 2 seats each which has been pretty awesome. make the long trips slightly bareable.

We ended up getting to Antalya, early evening and pretty much went straight to dinner. This was the first time we had a set menu and I was just excited to have a nice salad haha.
After dinner we headed off for a few drinks. We went to a bar that over looked the water but we couldnt really see anything because it was dark.
Trace and I got a vodka and lemonade.. possibly the worst tasting drink I have ever had. it was so ridiculously strong we had to order a few extra bottles of sprite to make it slightly ok. It was still gross, but I think it had more to do with the fact that the local vodka Istanblu was just disgusting in itself.
After a few drinks at the bar we went to club 19 which was across the road. it was a tiny club with some live music and the 20 or so of us that were there filled the place. when we walked in we thought it was a guy singing, once we saw the band it was actually a girl which by our tour leaders comments was definitely a girl but i still strongly believe that it was a tranny. it had to be. there is no other option for a manly looking face plastered in makeup, ridiculously long fake hair and the manly voice. tranny.
the club was pretty fun, they played turkish music so we couldnt exactly sing along but it was still a pretty great night.

The next day we headed from Fethiye, thankfully not a massive driving day again. We got to Oludeniz beach where we had some lunch and a walk along the beach. We checked out the Blue Lagoon which would be pretty nice on a warm day but it started raining. We had to run back to the bus through the pouring rain and we all got drenched. my stupid 10 euro umbrella that I had got in vienna many months ago was close to breaking and constantly turns itself inside out all the side. it wasnt much help.

Mitch had woken up feeling really sick in the morning and even spewed on the bus on the way to Fethiye. we all thought it was a hangover but after many spews the whole day we worked out he must have eaten something bad or drunk some of the water. he was sick all night aswell and I felt really sorry for him.

The next day we made our way to Pamukkale. on the way we stopped at Saklikent gorge which was really beautiful, during the summer months its really popular to stay there for a while doing white water rafting and tubing.

I didnt know what to expect from Pamukkale, all I knew was there was white cliffs so I was thinking it was going to be something like the white cliffs of dover. But the cliffs were amazing. they were so white and looking at them up close the texture seemed like it was gumption or something. Apparently the cliffs are so white from all the calcium in the water.

Pamukkale means 'cotton castle' in turkish and is a natural site with hot springs. It was our only warm day of the trip so it was good to take of the jackets, wear a singlet and walk through some of the water.

We finished off the day with a jacuzzi and some drinks and gossip with the girls. a pretty good way to end the day.


After our first day in Istanbul, the next day, Sunday we headed off to cappadocia in central turkey which is actually part of Asia. It was a full big day driving and took us about 11 hours. We stopped a few times but it was great to just finally get there.

Cappadocia was originally started by Christians thousands of years ago an known for it's amazing natural beauty of rock formations.
Our first full day was full on. Thousands of years ago the people used to live in caves carved out into the rocks. They were pretty cool and u could see what the rooms were meant to be, a kitchen, bedroom, dining room etc. It's amazing they were able to create these awesome places with such limited resources.

During the day we visited an open air museum which generally holds a number of churches. Back in the day they had to hide Christianity so built underground churches which are still
mostly preserved today. They used natural products, leaves, chestnuts etc to create paint and there are still preserved paintings on the Walls of the churches of Jesus and the disciples. It's amazing.

We also visited a Turkish rug factory where we learnt about how the rugs are made. We all thought it was going to be really boring and weren't that into it but they showed us how they are made and then showed us many examples of rugs it was actually really cool. I now the difference between a hand made rug and a machine made rug, If the rug is made from wool on wool or wool on silk. Haha such a geek.

After the first day we went to a Turkish night. We saw tradition dances and had drinks and nibbles. We tried the local drink Raki which you mix with water. It taste like licorice and it was so horrible. Im not a fan!! After the night we all didn't want to go back to our hotel so our tour leader barish took us to a local bar and it was so fun. I even busted out my thriller moves haha.

Our second day in cappadocia wasn't as full on as the first. We visited an underground city which was really amazing. Many of the people had to hide and so built a massive 'city' underground. The part we saw had 7 levels and we had to basically crawl through passages to get to other levels. It was so amazing that people thousands of years ago actually built these places and lived there for months at a time. It's no 5 star resort so I dont think I could do it. haha.

Our last night in Cappadocia we had a turkish bath which I loved. All of us girls were in bikinis as we were told to do but when we walked into the area we were instantly confronted with the sight of a few naked woman just walking around or getting soaped up. definitely caught off guard and it made it slightly awkward...
They separate the girls and boys and we all get clay face masks first. Then we had to sit in the sauna for a little while. some of the girls got a good view of  the naked ladies which made it a good talking point haha.
After the sauna they exfoliate you. The lady was pretty rushed and she sort of hurt me with the exfoliating glove, but afterwards she did tell me she thought i was beautiful... i think the steam fogged up her glasses personally...
The soap massage was the best bit. They use this bag/netting type thing that is soaked in soapy water , they fill it with air and then crush it over you to make the foam. pretty cool. the lady massaging me was pretty good and she gave a good massage. i was very very relaxed. just thinking about it now i'd like to go back and have another one haha.

So Cappadocia was definitely a highlight. I loved it there.