Tuesday 17 May 2011

The Amazing Race

Whilst trawling through the list of new apps to purchase for my iphone I came across ‘the amazing race’ app. You have no idea how excited I was.
Amazing race is possibly the greatest reality tv show.. its way better than keeping up with the kardashians, america’s next top model, Brittan’s next top model, canada’s next top model, jersey shore.. and all those other ‘reality’ shows I love to watch.
Back to the app… you can actually play the amazing race on your iphone. You choose a team (I chose students), pick a team name (I chose THORS) and you head off for a virtual around the world trip while coming across the usual road blocks, detour and fast forwards. I literally spent close to an hour playing my first game and came in second. Woo. Will definitely be playing some more games to make sure I come in first!

This game got me thinking about how ever since I first watched the show when I was a teenager I have been obsessed and it became my life’s goal to be a contestant on the show. Sadly I missed out on getting onto the first season of Australia’s Amazing Race. But I’ll be signing up for all future seasons.

Now for the hard part.. who would I take as my partner to share the most amazing experience of my life with???

The nominees for the moment are….

Claire -   Whilst she has expressed sincere enthusiasm for her dream to be on the show, she lacks direction (not direction in life, just direction in general.. she couldn’t tell you what way we just came from), cannot drive a manual car (I’m sure this skill would come in handy for the times you have to drive yourself) and has openly said she would not do the gross eating parts. However, she can talk to anyone and everyone which would be valuable as we would need all the help we can get.. shes also smart.

Mitch – He can drive a manual, knows directions (although as per my previous post taking us on back street and having to jump a fence would suggest otherwise), he also has a beard which makes him look older.. perhaps we could fool people into thinking he was an old man and they would feel sorry for us and let us go ahead. His downfall… he would probably forget to take along a belt and we would forever be seeing his crack. I think I would be letting the team down in this partnership, Mitch would forever be yelling at me to hurry up because apparently im so slow! That’s another downfall… he would probably get way to cranky at me. We also cannot be team THORS for obvious reasons.

Dad – He is smart and would be able to solve all mathematical equations in a second, his nickname is GAZMAN (need I say more?), he can also drive manual….. but he is too slow. There is a thing called an accelerator dad!! He wouldn’t use it too much, and in a race this just isn’t what you need. Instead of running to the pit stop so we could secure 1st place, he would be looking around, stopping to take a million photos of nothing in particular, we would come in last place and be eliminated.

Mum – Bless. As much as I love my mother I just don’t think she could run fast enough. She would be a pretty awesome teammate though. She would be able to handle the early mornings with no worries and would look great on tv because she will always have her lippy on and with those guns she is getting from doing weights and cardio at the gym everyday she is working her way towards being helpful in the activities needing strength. Perhaps you could be considered after all mum!!

If anyone else feels like they would make the perfect partner for my amazing race team let me know your strengths and weaknesses and you will be considered.


  1. Darling, sweetheart, love, I am shocked I wasn't at the top of the list! I could hold your bag for you while you run, watch you eat the yukky stuff, watch you climb tall buildings in a single bound, eat drink & be merry while you do all the work!! Sounds damn good to me....watched the Aussies and all I could think about was having a rest, having a drink of water and some food, having a sleep.......poor buggers, why would you put yourself through that???? Oh yeah, $250,0000!!! Lv AK

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