Friday 20 May 2011

London in the springtime

I'm loving London in the springtime. The leaves have come out after being banished for the long winter, the flowers are blossoming and the sun is out. The mercury is on the rise and warming the place up enough for me not to be wearing my big jacket and layers.

Picture this... its friday 1pm and I head out for my lunch break. Its 20 degrees and so decide the best thing to do to enjoy this beautiful weather on an otherwise mundane work day is to eat my lunch outside in the park. It's no sitting on coolangatta beach but it will do! I sit down in the nicest section of the park and start to enjoy my cous cous and salad which I had been thinking about all day. The lady next to me who I thought was just lying down to relax a bit is actually asleep. She has just let out a tiny snore and had one of those leg shakes you get when your muscles start to relax. Must have been a hard day for her...
The beautiful day must be livening the moods of my fellow park goers and the impending weekend must have left them feeling festive because a group of people busted out in song. Some sort of rap/hip hop song which I had never heard (clearly not up with the latest uk songs), but singing none the less.
A few people look disgusted at the disturbance to their quiet (why come to a public park then??) but some are clapping along and singing the parts they know. I refrain from clapping along myself as I'm not that close to them and I would look like a bit of a douche. But good for them for having a great time on their lunch break and entertaining us all.

I do love London in the springtime!!

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