Thursday 26 May 2011


Today it rained... i know what you're thinking.. you're in london, of course its raining.. WRONG. Honestly it doesnt even rain that much. Its just overcast and grey alot of the time. But I could probably count on my fingers and toes the amount of times its actually rained in the past year.

Not long after I arrived in London and started working it rained one afternoon. One of my colleagues was astounded at how 'heavy' the rain was. It was pretty much a heavy sprinkle. They just dont get heavy rain here, nor does it last long. It usually rains for about 10 minutes and then its over.
I also love how when it starts to sprinkle the poms go into a panic, reach into their bags and open up their umbrellas. You can barely even feel the rain and you're hardly getting wet but they think its high time for umbrella coverage!

Another crazy thing that happened today was it hailed and it also thundered. I havent heard thunder since I left Australia almost a year ago. I didnt think it got hot enough here for there to be thunder and lightening but apparently so. My colleagues thought it was hilarious that I was excited about the thunder, but it made it feel like home... ahh the nostalgia!

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