Friday 13 May 2011

Why I hate the 190 bus

Whilst I love living in London, the worst part is having to use public transport every single day. There is nothing I would love more than to get in a car and drive. Seeing as I do not own a car in London I am forced to use the public transport.
Fortunately I only have to catch one bus (the 190) from our house to get to work, which is quite literally a 3.5km drive.
In the mornings I am always ready and waiting atleast 5 minutes before the impending arrival and departure of said bus. It is never ever ever on time. I generally end up waiting atleast an extra 10 or 20 minutes past the time it is meant to come. Once I waited 30 minutes.

It also takes along the most random of people. Most days there is a great story to tell, someone is yelling at the bus driver, someone holds up the bus because they dont have enough money on their oyster card, some old man is farting and is blissfully unaware of the stench while we all choke and die.

I know what you're probably thinking now... I did mention it was literally a 3.5km drive.. why dont I walk.
Good thought. But unless you have battled the extreme temperatures of english winter you have no idea how ridiculously cold it gets. Therefore I did not feel brave enough to walk the 30 minutes in these temperatures.
You will be happy to know however that since spring has arrived in london town I have been walking most days atleast one of the ways to or from work which has been so very nice... except for the time I got proposed to from some rando selling door to door.

Today however, I had to catch the bus home. I left work a little bit early so I could get on the earlier bus (I probably forgot to mention that unlike every single other bus that comes every 5 minutes, mine is only scheduled for every 15 minutes). I was at the bus stop at 5.22pm ready to catch the bus for 5.25pm. The bus finally came at 5.30pm. only a 5 minute wait...WIN!

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