Friday 27 May 2011

You said what now?

It seems people have a great misconception on Australians and Australia in general;

Here are some funny things people have said to me so far;

(whilst talking about languages people learn at school)
'Did you learn aboriginie in school?'
Really? which one of the 5000 aboriginie languages would you have liked me to learn?

(whilst talking about the floods in QLD)
'Is your family worried about the crocodiles coming into their backyards'
Good job english newspapers for printing that one!

'Do kangaroos really hop around the streets?'
Yes, we also ride them to work...

'Your roads must melt alot in that extreme heat you have'
No, just because yours do because you have dodgy tar doesnt mean ours do.

'Is it not polite if you dont say g'day to someone?'
I dont think i've ever said g'day in a serious way.

'We want to drive from Perth to Sydney, we could do that in a day right?'
Have you looked at a map of Australia?

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