Sunday 15 May 2011

Hows it garn?

Last night we went and saw Carl Barron live. He is the funniest person I ever seen. I literally spent the entire time crying it was that funny.

I should probably start with setting the scene of how the night began... Mitch, Claire and I ventured off to hammersmith... catching the 190 bus (late as usual). We had a quick dinner before hand and walked around in search of Riverside studios where Carl was performing. Mitch 'knew' where he was going, well had a general idea.. but he happened to take us along a back street where we came out into what we thought was possibly a boarding school/naughty boys home/council estate. We wandered around trying to find the exit and were greeted by a group of kids asking if we were trying to get to riverside studios. not sure how they knew thats what we were looking for, perhaps they get a number of people wandering through there looking for riverside.
They directed us.. left, right and left again. We turned left, went to turn right but found it was gated off. Our options were to turn around and try again, or jump a 1.5m fence. the jumping of the 1.5m fence won.
After finally getting over the fence we walked a little further and found the studios... PHEW.

The studios were small and we packed it out with 300 people. We got row 3 and had a pretty awesome view of my new celeb crush.
Carl came out casually and there began my barrel of laughs that lasted an entire 80 minutes.
I wont go into it too much, granted you have probably seen alot of his performances... if you havent you have probably been living under a rock and should get onto youtube a-sap and check him out.
He is hilarious, basing his entire show on his life and the weird and insane things he thinks about.

I really want to go and see him again. I hope he comes back to London within a year otherwise I'll be staking him out once we get back to Australia... whenever that may be...

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